Refund Policy

Updated at: 2024-10-18.

Refund Policy - RankMaths

Refund Policy for RankMaths

Effective Date: [Insert Date]

At RankMaths, we strive to provide the best experience for our users. Please review our refund policy carefully:

1. Refund Eligibility

Refunds are applicable under the following conditions:

  • If a technical issue prevents you from using our service as intended, and we are unable to resolve it within a reasonable time frame.
  • If a service you paid for was not delivered as promised.

2. Non-Refundable Items or Services

The following items or services are not eligible for a refund:

  • Subscription fees for the current billing cycle.
  • Services that have been used or accessed.
  • Customized or personalized services.

3. Process for Requesting a Refund

To request a refund, please contact our support team at within 14 days of your purchase. Please provide your account details and the reason for the refund request.

4. Time Frame for Refunds

If your refund request is approved, the refund will be processed within 7-10 business days. The amount will be credited to your original payment method.

5. Changes to this Refund Policy

We may update this policy from time to time. Please review it periodically for any changes.